Field analysis of water bodies of Dauki River basin in Rarh tract Murshidabad
The rivers of the Rarh tract of Murshidabad are older than The Ganga, Bhagirathi Rivers. Those founded the base of the district. A shield from Chotonagpur plateau extender up to Canning of south 24 Parganas. Rarh region extended part of Chotonagpur plateau, the slope of the terrain is the channel of river Bhagirathi. The changing physiographic setup in different geological ages shifted the flow direction of rivers of the Rarh tract in Murshidabad. For the aforesaid reasons, the presence of small & big river channels is the main water resource for irrigation. As the groundwater sources are limited, moreover percolation rate is high, the undulating Pedi plain fails to hold the water of rainy seasons. For this reason, agriculture is not possible in many locations.