Demographic Impact on Micro Finance Scheme In Dharwad District of North Karnataka


  •  Madhwesh G Gudi and Dr. Sunita Dixitg





The fundamental goal of a Micro Finance Institution, as mentioned in depth in the literature reviewed, is to provide financial help to tiny and low-income persons. Poverty reduction is the major goal of Micro Finance Institutions. However, it has recently been discovered that the majority of Micro Finance Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that were founded to serve the poor and the welfare of society are now involved in unethical operations, posing a threat to the community's financial well-being. The1study was taken with1the objectives of determine how pleased SHG beneficiaries are with the Microfinance programme that is provided to them and demographical impacts. This study is to limited in the form of the geographical scope i.e. study area selected only Dharwad District in North Karnataka.




How to Cite

 Madhwesh G Gudi and Dr. Sunita Dixitg. (2022). Demographic Impact on Micro Finance Scheme In Dharwad District of North Karnataka. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16(2), 47–57. Retrieved from


