Designing of Microprocessor Using VHDL MODEL
Since microprocessors are the main computational components of contemporary electronic devices, their design is an essential component of digital system design. The design and implementation of a simple microprocessor using VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language), a potent hardware description language for simulating the structure and behavior of digital systems, is the main topic of this research study. The article describes the methodical process that was used to develop the microprocessor's architecture, functionality, and implementation in addition to the system's simulation and verification.
The research includes the development of key functional components such as the control unit, memory interfaces, data buses, and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). The microprocessor's support for Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) architecture ensures simplicity and performance. The applicability and real-time capabilities of the design are demonstrated through functional verification and performance evaluation using FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) platforms.
The advantages of using VHDL to build high-performance microprocessors are highlighted in this paper, including scalability for complex applications and compatibility with modern verification tools. The findings provide insight on efficient hardware-software co-design methods that address power consumption, throughput, and scalability concerns. The proposed method paves the way for further advancements in customizable embedded systems, IoT devices, and next-generation computer architectures.